50 Days of Age – A Rib Roast Challenge

Nov 7, 2013 | Beef, Tips and Tales | 0 comments

Mister Brisket has never been a big proponent of dry aging beef.  In our experience we’ve found it has no discernible impact on flavor.  Enter Geoff Hewitt, a resident of New Franklin, who found us on the internet.  Hewitt emailed and wanted to know how we felt about aging a rib roast–for 50 days.

“30 days doesn’t really change the flavor,” Hewitt wrote, “but do it for 50 and you’ll notice a difference.”

That got our attention.  When we’d aged beef in the past, it had never been for more than 30 days.  50 days?  Who knows?

Then he wanted to know if we’d be willing to age a roast for him.  We emailed back and forth discussing the issues involved.  The biggest problem is how much useable meat will be left in 50 days.   We agreed to keep him informed as to how the aging process was going so if it looked like there was any trouble a decision could be made as to what to do.  Then we selected a Meyer Natural Angus USDA Prime Rib Roast for him.  The weight is nearly 20 pounds.

We wiped it dry. And marked it.

And placed it in our cooler to age…until Jan. 4, 2013.

Will there be anything left by Jan. 2013?  And, if so, how will the flavor have changed?  Who knows?  But there’s one certainty…we’re gonna find out.  Stay tuned as we’ll periodically show pics of this aging roast so you can see how the meat is physically affected.   In the meantime, we salute Mr. Hewitt for his curiosity and interest in quality beef.